Introducing the Waterclub shower filter with three stages of filtration!
The first stage features a PP Cotton filter that thoroughly cleans the water, eliminating dry skin, absorbing dirt and dust, purifying shower water, and monitoring water quality.
The second stage incorporates Alkaline Tourmaline Balls that naturally generate negative ions, known to enhance the immune system.
The third stage utilizes Calcium Sulfite that can remove Chlorine and Chloramines from your shower water.
The result?
Your hair becomes stronger; you’ll see a reduction in hair loss and a 29% decrease in water consumption.
This eco-friendly shower head not only reduces water consumption but also minimizes waste, as it only requires you to change the refills when they turn brown or dark, instead of buying a new shower head.
Trusted since 2016 by thousands of happy customers!

Collector Filters & Purification Devices Trading LLC
Al Quoz Industrial 1st, DUBAI, UAE
Email: gogreen @
Phones: TOLL FREE: 800-WATERCLUB , Office: 04 340 1717,
Whats app & mobile: 050 315 84 64
Business Hours: 9am to 9pm 7 days a week
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