Since moving to Dubai back in 2001, I was looking for a solution, as opening my tap and getting hot water all year long wasn’t fun… not to mention the smell and the taste. After many years of research and development we finally made it happen!

Now our family use Waterclub all day long, its our new family friend! Your tap water is clean and safe, yes, you read me… Get a Waterclub and see how we can make your tap water taste and smell better.

WaterClub is a philosophy, it’s a way of being green and standing against the waste of pet plastic bottles that are making our trash full and our beaches dirty (the sea too)!

UAE is among the highest per capita consumers of bottled water in the world!!

80% of water bottles are not recycled!

Price of bottled water is 1000 times the cost of tap water (and most of the time its tap water inside) Yes! Even big brand admitted it…http://anonhq.com/pepsi-admits-that-its-aquafina-bottled-water-is-just-tap-water-coca-colas-dasani-is-next/
Pure Water should be accessible with an affordable price to everyone, unfortunately smell, taste can vary in the water and people are breaking the bank to get premium bottled water brands.

Time to change
Waterclub is filtering your tap water and gets you the same result & provides you Unlimited Cold 4°, hot up to 98° water without breaking the bank!
The WaterClub simply connects to your home water supply and filters your water using a multi-stage filtration system. WaterClub then boils and chills the water, maintaining its temperature and quality, meaning that water for hot and cold drinks is ready instantly. The WaterClub home water cooler is very energy efficient costing just a few cents per day to run. Its uses are endless.
The WaterClub is controlled by a simple-to-use touch screen panel. You simply press the icon representing boiling, chilled and ambient water and the WaterClub instantly dispenses the water of your choice. The touch screen panel shows you what the WaterClub is doing, and also allows you to control the menu system, timers, child lock and temperatures of the water. What We Need & What You Get.
The processes your tap water undergoes in WaterClub are similar to those undertaken by the best water bottling companies – we’ve simply miniaturized it and added the convenience of chilled and boiling water.

What about no more pet waste in your family?
We will provide you stainless steel / aluminum/ silicon bottles for your entire family to carry at work, fitness, school to refill @ home in the morning and will stay fresh / hot during 12 hours minimum. Yes it’s Dubai hot weather proof! You can leave our High grade stainless steel bottle in your car under boiling sun the entire day and your drink is still going to be ice cold! (I did it to test the bottle for the last few months).

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